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Aug. 20
Town of Princeton, Mass.   ---          August 20, 2014

PLANNING BOARD  – Minutes  --  Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Jon Fudeman. Present were: Tom Daly, Ann Neuburg and John Mirick with Richard Bisk arriving at 7:45 PM.

Board reviewed plan for ten ANR lots fronting on Princeton Street in Holden (which becomes Jefferson Street in Princeton), on ANR plan signed by Holden PB on Aug. 12, 2014. Rear corner of one lot overlaps town line into Princeton and applicant, Peter Spring, requested that Princeton PB members sign the plan, in case the Worc. Reg. of Deeds requires an endorsement from both towns. Not a Princeton ANR so no fee charged. Board voted all in favor to endorse plan.

7:40 PM  Board asked about new zoning map and new text in the zoning bylaws, which have gained approval of attorney general and are being updated by Town Clerk. Also, Matt Franz at CMRPC has info on map updates so it’s in the works. May be ready for next PB meeting.

Board discussed use variance and public hearing for Hubbard Farm coming up Aug. 28. They voted all in favor to relay to ZBA that “a use variance is within the purview of the ZBA and PB is not providing comment.”

7:50 PM  Jon F. announced that he will continue as rep for CMRPC and Tom D. offered to serve as alternate member. Board voted all in favor to recommend Jon F. as Princeton’s representative and Tom D. as alternate member on the CMRPC.

It was noted that a large vehicle is occasionally parking on the western edge of the lot on Gregory Hill Road at Bill Gagnier’s building. This blocks the view of traffic from Mountain Road and is prohibited as a condition in the special permit for the building’s renovation. Mr. Gagnier will be notified.

Board discussed adding Zoning Bylaws regarding earth removal, and samples of earth removal bylaws from neighboring towns were distributed. Jon F. asked about solar arrays and explained that other towns are dealing with the long-term issue of disposal, as the panels incorporate heavy metals and hazardous waste.
In discussion of earth removal bylaws, John M. suggests starting with a “Statement of Purpose and Intent” that outlines how to secure the landscape at the end of a gravel-mining project, and to set some standards as to traffic, dust and erosion control during a project. He also cited former gravel pits in town, at Krashes Field and the old town dump off Hubbardston Road. The issue of a site or use being grandfathered was discussed. The board plans to get a bylaw ready for the ATM in May.

8:10 PM  As two individuals, Rud Mason and Leslie Fanger have indicated interest on serving on the PB or as an alternate, Jon. F. offered to contact them both and see where they stand. Ann N. announced that she would be willing to stay on PB until the May election, and if needed, act as PB alternate member. The alternate member position is currently empty.

Administrative Business

Board voted all in favor to approve June 11 regular meeting minutes.
8:25 PM  Adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. assistant

Referenced Documents:  ANR plan in Holden for Peter Spring; sample zoning bylaws for earth removal.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department